S1E14: Tides of Bipolar

Both Light in the Fog hosts have mental illnesses, but it behaves quite differently, as Jenny explains in the Tides of Bipolar. Jenny is medicine-resistant, type 2 BiPolar, and it’s all about the cycles. Not the moon or seasonal cycles – or at least not in the way you think. Jenny brings the research that explains the circadian pacemaker running the bi-polar show!! Prepare to have your mind blown! Meanwhile, Trai’s PTSD is more of a...

S1Ep13: Trauma Patterns and Roller Coasters

 Episode 13 is an incricate and intense episode that deconstructs where our patterns and programming of behavior and coping originated – was it our parents? Their parents? Society in general? Capitalism? Our biochemical make up? Past lives? All of it?? Jenny and Trai discuss how we learned to recognize being activated, how to create space around it, and the beginnings of how to heal. The answer might just be roller coasters.

Trailer: You’ve Found Light in the Fog Podcast

About this Podcast: You’ve found Light in the Fog Podcast.One host is a transgender witch Gen Z. The other host is a psychic medium Gen X. Both are artists, activists, mentally ill -- and very down for the metaphysical.Welcome to the brew!

S01E01: Breaking the Cyle

Meet our favorite way of dealing with this and all the other worlds: escapism!! About this Podcast: Welcome to Light in the Fog Podcast. For our very first episode, we introduce ourselves: Jenny, the elder Gen z transgender witch who changed the future by claiming her name, and Trai, the Gen Xer who finally embraced all the multi-dimensional stuff she'd been living since she was a kid. We dish the things we're dying to share: neurodiversity,...